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About ‘Suicide While Black’

It’s exactly what it sounds like. This is site is not intended to be one of morbidity. Suicide is not glorified here. It is intended to highlight a longstanding ‘taboo,’ ‘a shame,’ ‘a secret’ in our community which tends to sweep suicide under the proverbial carpet. Sweeping has not resulted in a decrease of suicides. In fact, our black children are twice as likely to end their lives than their white counterparts.

According to the website, The Conversation:

In 2016 and again in 2018, national data revealed that among children age 5-11, black children had the highest rate of death by suicide. For the years 2008 to 2012, 59 black youth died by suicide, up from 54 in the years 2003-2007.

I’m not a scholar. I do not hold a PhD. I am however, black and have struggled with depression. In my youth (mid 20’s) I literally prayed for death. My life was a continual dark cloud. I wrote a 6-page suicide letter. I am still here because I was haunted by visions of my children’s future. My children were societal ‘problems’ and my ‘suicide’ was the crux of their problems. My dreams were bombarded with the statement, ‘if she loved me so much, why did she kill herself?’ I could not and STILL cannot answer that question. THAT’s why I am still here. I am alive. When times are tough, i.e., Chump winning the election (still incredulous), the onset of Covid-19, employment trials & tribulations, I’ll be honest-I have said: “I wouldn’t have to deal with this if I were dead.”

I wouldn’t.

But I am alive and dealing. I do not want to miss the growth of my grandkids and the journey i’m on with my partner. So, I have made the choice to live. I’m vocal about suicide. We do not want to die. We want the PAIN…TO…END. And it is our belief the only way to bring finality to that pain is to end it…permanently.

Welcome to Suicide While Black. At times, your stay may be uncomfortable. But this dialogue needs to be had.

Caution: Video speaks openly about black children & suicide:

Talk about suicide and its impact upon our community. PERIOD.